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Best Christmas Gifts for Toddlers
1–3 Years Old

What a wonderful time to celebrate Christmas with your children! As they grow, they grasp the magic of the season more profoundly, become increasingly engaged, and it's delightful to brainstorm gift ideas as they eagerly compile their wish list for Santa. Following our earlier selections for the 0-6 months and 6-12 months age groups, we're excited to present some gift ideas that will surely delight your
1 to 3-year-olds.

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1) Sofa Beanbag
for kids :

Children adore furniture designed for their size. This sofa is so soft and cosy, it's perfect for their bedroom or the living room.

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2) Memory Game - The Jungle

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Ever played the visual memo game? Along with honing visual memory, these cards—illustrated by the talented Mariana Ruiz Johnson—will also help your child learn to recognize and remember the diverse creatures in Londji's fauna.

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3) Magic Drawing Board:

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This allows your little artist to draw on the walls without any mess and offers infinite possibilities as it's erasable!

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4) Touch and Feel Puzzle - Jungle :

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Puzzles are ideal for developing fine motor skills and memory. This jungle-themed wooden puzzle will not only build these skills but also introduce a variety of textures.

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5) Wooden Retro Telephone :

Kids love to mimic adults, especially between the ages of 1 and 3. This retro telephone is bound to be a hit during imaginative play.

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6) Abacus Rainbow :

An abacus offers multiple benefits: it enhances motor skills, improves hand-eye coordination, and fosters concentration and mathematical thinking. Plus, it's visually appealing!

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7) Scooter GO-UP

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If you're unfamiliar with this versatile 4-in-1 scooter, just click on the images. 

It's designed to grow with your child and is guaranteed to be a favourite.

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8) Ride On Rocking Horse :

Ideal for fostering imagination and creativity, this rocking horse not only promotes independent play but also enhances mobility. Ready for a ride?

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9) Language block :

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Building blocks are fundamental in toddler play. Our curated set includes blocks with sign language, Chinese characters, Arabic, German, and Greek symbols, captivating children aged 1 to 3 who are at the stage of language discovery.

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10) Doll Stroller :

This stroller is perfect for carting around a favourite doll or stuffed animal, ideal for the imitation games cherished by little ones.

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11) Adventure Rug :

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An outstanding gift choice, this play mat not only decorates a child’s room but also sets the stage for countless adventures.

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12) Mark Wooden Puzzle Cube :

At Jourès Canada, we adore this style of puzzle. It's a joy to watch your child develop dexterity and beam with pride upon successfully placing all the pieces.

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13) Ride on Vintage Car :

Vroom, vroom! This sturdy and stylish retro car is consistently a children’s favourite.

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14) Bessie Exploration Set :

Suitable for all seasons, from summer backyards to winter wonderlands, this set encourages little explorers to discover the world with a shovel and magnifying glass for collecting insects and leaves.

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